1) create one script to plot one figure: the script plot_mrb.plt
## This is to plot one figure use a file mrb18248101.txt and its 5th column
# this line imporant: will save the figures to the computer
set terminal postscript eps color enhanced
set xlabel "18248101"
set ylabel "MRB"
set title "MRB for station 18248101"
set size 1.5, 1.5 #set xrange [ 0 : 20 ]
#set yrange [ 0 : 2 ]
#set mxtics 5
#set mytics 5
#set xtics 5
#set ytics 0.5
plot "mrb18248101.txt" using 1:5 notitle w l
set output "mrb18248101.eps"
2) plot many figures: then use the other script
foreach sta ( `cat stations` )
echo $sta
# to get the interested data
grep "MRB $sta" parametres_gins | sort -k 1 > "mrb$sta.txt"
# to plot one data
# to plot other data
sed "s/18248101/$sta/g" plot_mrb.plt | gnuplot
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