grep ss filename | awk '{print $NF}'
2) get the second last column:
grep ss filename | awk '{print $(NF-1)}'
3) get the number of columns (if the array is uniform):
grep ss filename | awk 'END {print NF}'
4) get the number of lines (if the array is uniform):
grep ss filename | awk 'END {print NR}'
5) get the second last line:
grep ss filename | awk 'END {print $(NR-1)}'
6) for an array in text file percentage_data, if we want to get the mean of each column:
# get the number of field in the array
set number_field = ` awk 'END{print NF}' percentage_data `
# for each column, find the mean and output the means in a new file
# averaged_percentage_MII_MI
@ j = 1
while ( $j <= $number_field)
set mean_percentage_temp = `awk -v fd=$j {print $fd}' percentage_data | awk '{sum+=$1}END{print sum/NR}'`
echo $mean_percentage_temp " " >> averaged_percentage_MII_MI
6) for an array in text file percentage_data, if we want to get the mean of each column:
# get the number of field in the array
set number_field = ` awk 'END{print NF}' percentage_data `
# for each column, find the mean and output the means in a new file
# averaged_percentage_MII_MI
while ( $j <= $number_field)
set mean_percentage_temp = `awk -v fd=$j {print $fd}' percentage_data | awk '{sum+=$1}END{print sum/NR}'`
echo $mean_percentage_temp " " >> averaged_percentage_MII_MI
@ j += 1
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